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Beim meditieren in einer Online Mediation gewinnst du Lebensenergie zurück


My life has completely changed through meditation. I have found more of myself, I was finally able to get emotions that I had been holding back for years to flow again and as a result I have regained so much more life energy. Through my coaching training I have experienced how powerful and life-changing meditation can be. So I want to share this with the world and take you into the world of meditation too. I see it as part of my life's work to accompany people, to create a safe space for them where they can connect deeply with themselves.

Benefits of Meditation

reduces stress

– reduces anxiety disorders

– helps in the healing process of depression

– reduces sleep disturbances

– promotes positive thinking

– improves relationships

– increases  cognitive abilities

– increases creativity

-  increases self-confidence and self-image

– releases life energy

Meditation hilft dir dabei dein Leben zu ändern


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Gabie Kämpf

“Thank you again for the guided mediation you have gifted us with. I was very moved, it was intense. Thank you for the gentleness you impart. I appreciated the small questionnaire at the end which allows one to have a track of what happened during the experience and allows one to set intentions and goals for the future. I'm already looking forward to being there again next time."
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