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What is breathwork?

The essence of breathwork is to use conscious breathwork to create physical, mental and emotional changes to improve overall well-being and expand consciousness. This tool is always available and can be used at any time.


Breathwork, also known as "breathwork," includes various breathing techniques designed to consciously change breathing. Its exact origin is difficult to determine, as breathwork has been used for thousands of years in various cultures to promote a healthy body and mind, both preventatively and as a method of self-healing. The most well-known include pranayama from Indian yoga, holotropic breathing from psychology, rebirthing breathwork for emotional work, and connected breathing, which is used to release blockages and let emotions flow, among other things.

Bild von Olivia Vogel

Benefits of conscious breathing

  • Reduces stress and promotes relaxation of body and mind

  • Frees you from suppressed emotions and unprocessed experiences

  • Supports the reduction of anxiety and depression

  • Regulates your nervous system

  • Supports you emotionally and spiritually in self-discovery and personality development

  • Helps you learn to better deal with your feelings, such as fear, sadness and anger

  • Gives you lightness, freedom and inner peace

  • Strengthens your immune system and improves your sleep quality

  • Creates a connection to your true core

  • Increases feelings such as joy and happiness

Image by Karly Jones
Bild von einem räuchendern Salbei

For me personally, the experience of breathwork, especially my first session, will stay with me forever! In just one session, I cried more than I ever have in front of other people. Old burdens were allowed to go, and I felt an incredible liberation and a deep connection with myself. This technique fascinated me so much that I immediately booked more sessions and felt a strong urge to learn and pass on this powerful method. Practicing breathwork fulfills me deeply, and I see it as part of my life's mission to create a safe space in which people can let go and release what really wants to be expressed within them.

Own experience

Bild von Olivia Vogel

The breathwork sessions offer an intensive breathing technique that is carried by the energy of the group. You benefit from the powerful collective dynamic that arises in the community. These sessions are often accompanied by intense, loud releases that allow you to release blockages in a powerful way, with me guiding and supporting you.


Breathwork offers you unique opportunities for personal growth, healing and spiritual deepening. Immerse yourself in the world of breathing and discover the transformative power that lies dormant within you.


So what are you waiting for? Breathe deeply and let yourself be overwhelmed by the power of breathwork!


However, it is important to note that stimulating breathing work is not recommended in cases of epilepsy, pregnancy, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and recent major surgery.

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