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The General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all of Olivia Vogel’s business transactions with our customers. They apply for the duration of the business relationship. Upon placing the order, these conditions are deemed to have been accepted. Deviations from these General Terms and Conditions must be agreed upon in writing in advance.


The client's obligation to cooperate 

The coaching takes place on the basis of the preparatory discussions held between the parties. It is based on cooperation and mutual trust. I would like to point out that coaching is a free, active and self-responsible process and that certain successes cannot be guaranteed. The coach supports the client as a process companion and supporter in decisions and changes - the actual change work is carried out by the client. The client should therefore be willing and open to deal with themselves and their situation.


State of health of the coachee

If the coachee is undergoing medical and/or psychotherapeutic treatment, they must inform Olivia Vogel of this before the coaching begins. In addition, the coachee must provide confirmation that the doctor and/or psychotherapist agrees to the coaching. If the coachee conceals his/her state of health and ongoing medical and/or psychotherapeutic treatments, the coaching can be ended immediately.


Capacity to act

The person being coached is of legal age and capable of judgment or has a declaration of consent from their legal representative in which they explicitly agree to coaching by Olivia Vogel.


Scope of the order and conditions

At the beginning of a coaching session, Olivia Vogel clarifies the respective expectations of the coaching together with the client (coachee). Coaching or coaching sessions cost the respective negotiated price. Payment is made by invoice or online. For individual coaching sessions, invoices must be paid within 20 days. If you book several coaching sessions (e.g. 1-month coaching or 3-month coaching), the invoice must be paid before the first coaching session.


Cancellation conditions / cancellation costs

The coaching session can be canceled free of charge up to 24 hours before the appointment, for Monday appointments until Friday 12:00 p.m., after which the full fee is due.



Olivia Vogel undertakes to maintain confidentiality from third parties indefinitely about all of the client's business and private matters that become known in the course of the activity, even after the contract has been terminated.

Olivia Vogel is subject to confidentiality. However, it reserves the right to waive its obligation of confidentiality should a risk of injury to itself or others become apparent. In this case, she will contact a professional.


Copyright, Terms of Use

The copyright to all documents, concepts, designs and other materials created by Olivia Vogel as part of the service remains with Olivia Vogel.

All material in any form that is created by Olivia Vogel as part of a service or made available to the customer as part of the provision of the service may in any case only be reproduced, published or made publicly accessible with the express, written consent of Olivia Vogel. In particular, it may not be used for similar services, revised, rewritten or changed or adapted in any other way.



Our work is purely a service activity. Success is neither guaranteed nor owed. Any liability is excluded. All participants are insured personally or through their employer. The dispatch or electronic transmission of any data takes place at the risk of the client.


Place of jurisdiction

The place of jurisdiction is Lucerne. Swiss law applies.


Final provision

Olivia Vogel  reserves the right to adjust the terms and conditions at any time. If the General Terms and Conditions contain contradictions or gaps, it must be determined which regulation appears appropriate based on the purpose, meaning and spirit of the provisions as well as the principle of good faith and the mutual interests of the parties. If one of the provisions is or becomes invalid, this should have no influence on the validity of the remaining provisions.


Lucerne, January 2024

Olivia Vogel




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